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  • Writer's pictureCerys Taylor

The Best ASMRtists on YouTube

I started listening to ASMR a few years ago, and now I listen to it at least 4 nights a week to get me to sleep. It helps me switch off like reading a book might for others – although that doesn’t work for me, I just end up wanting to read what comes next and then its 4am before I know where I am.

If you don’t know what ASMR is (where have you been?) it stands for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response. You may experience it when someone is drawing on your back or scratching your scalp, that tingly feeling down your spine – that’s ASMR. Its become one of the biggest sections of YouTube and has even made it through to mainstream media and day time television.

In this post I’m going to run through my top 10 favourite ASMRtists (people who practice ASMR) on YouTube. If you’ve never given ASMR a go before, check out these channels first! And if you have, you might find a new ASMRtist to check out!

10. Gibi ASMR

Gibi does some A-MA-ZING roleplay videos – probably the best ASMR roleplays that I’ve come across. My favourites are her Dr Gibi videos, any sort of check up video with Gibi is going to give you tingles, without a doubt. These are the best doctor/nurse roleplays with the best use of the triggers. I find some make the triggers too harsh compared to their spoken parts, but Gibi gets it spot on every time. I also love the video she does in her Daisy character. “Daisy” is a lovely southern girl with ultra-blue bobbed hair. She’s funny and sometimes a little strange, but uber friendly and soft. These roleplays vary from Daisy at Comic-con to Daisy as a steakhouse waitress, but always put me to sleep with her soft-spoken southern accent.

9. ASMR blossom

Blossom has the softest voice of any ASMRtist. She makes videos with a huge variety of triggers – and even has a second ASMR channel completely dedicated to ASMR eating videos (which can be an acquired taste – not for you if hearing people chew or slurp makes you want to vom). My favourites of hers though are her inaudible whispering and mouth sounds videos. Her kisses are my favourite, and her inaudible whispers are very wet sounding which is my preference. Mouth sounds are personally my favourite triggers and Blossom executes them perfectly.

8. SophieMichelle ASMR

Sophie Michelle is another very soft spoken ASMRtist. She is an English ASMRtist with a strong British accent. I first discovered this channel through a series of videos that she made in which she read a list of facts around a topic area. I think the first one I watched was her 101 Happy Potter Facts video. Since then I’ve watched a lot more of her uploads and my favourites are her personal attention videos. She incorporates triggers such as face touching and brushing, up close whispers and hair brushing which make you feel very special and cared for, like you’re in a little bubble of tingles.

7. ASMR Art of Sound

ASMR Art of Sound makes a variety of ASMR videos, but her best are the intense ASMR videos, my favourites being the intense ear eating videos. Again, this trigger is not everyone’s cup of tea – my boyfriend very much hates this and makes him cringe, but I really like it and find it gives me the biggest tingling sensation of any other trigger. It’s like it’s tickling my ear. I don’t listen to her channel to sleep like I do most of the others, but I listen more for fun, I listen to get that tingling sensation down my spine and find out what she has in store next.

6. ASMR Magic

ASMR Magic has the biggest selection of triggers I think of an ASMR channel that exists. Slime, brushes, glue, glitter, scratching, you name it, you can find it here. A large amount of her videos don’t involve talking and mainly involve objects, so if you don’t like whispers you might find something that you do like in her videos. She does amazing ear massage and sponge mic videos, and uses anything and everything to turn into some form of and ASMR trigger. She really is an ASMR magician. My favourite videos of hers are when she uses her head shaped microphone that she calls Bob. She often covers him in glue and peels it off as part of the video – very tingly.

5. Jojo’s ASMR

Jojo is the only male ASMRtist to appear in my top 10. I do listen to other males, but I definitely prefer a softer, female voice the majority of the time. He does a lot of videos that aim simply to make you tingle, but also a lot that he makes to help you fall asleep. He has done quite a few boyfriend soothes you to sleep roleplays if you’re into that, but it just make me feel like I’m cheating on my actual boyfriend or something. Jojo’s trigger style is another one of the more intense tingle variety. His videos are guaranteed to get you tingling, especially his tingle immunity videos.

4. Gentle Whispering ASMR

Maria is like the mother of all ASMR. She does videos in both English and Russian, so she really works hard. She was the very first ASMRtist that I subscribed to and, as her channel name suggests, has the gentlest of whispers. She has been doing ASMR for many years now and is a seasoned professional. I began watching her roleplay videos. The first one I remember seeing was a hair shampooing video and she nailed it - bang on. I don’t think I watched it all the way through the first few times because it sent me to sleep so quickly. She’s recently been taking ASMR to new heights and trying new triggers and locations, just like she did in the beginning. She’s a real shining gem and a staple channel in the ASMR community.

3. Batala’s ASMR

I’ve only recently discovered Batala’s channel, but I fell in love with her videos straight away. Right from the get go she had me hooked with her tingly tingly introduction. Batala is amazing at hand movements and hand and mouth sounds. Every video she has a new type of sticker on her face which she uses as a trigger as well as something that makes her channel stan out from all the others. She’s wonderfully friendly and humorous and I look forward to Batala’s uploads all week.

2. Gracev

Grace has the best voice in ASMR. Her whispers are so amazing, it almost has a wet, mouth sounds component to it and I could just listen to her whisper for hours and hours. I think I’ve watched every single one of her videos. She’s recently started to branch out into doing a few roleplay videos, but my favourites are still her inaudible whispers and mouth sounds videos, you just can’t beat them. Every time she uploads I watch it within like two days and I often fall asleep before the video ends.

1. FrivolousFox ASMR

Frivvi is 100% my favourite ASMRtist on YouTube right now. She is another ASMRtist with a super soft voice and who incorporates a whole lot of triggers into her channel. She is the goddess of personal attention. I can’t watch any of her hand movements videos without having to fight my eyes closing because I’m so relaxed. That actually also goes for her mouth sounds videos, her inaudible whispers videos and her tracing videos too. Basically every video that she puts out relaxes me so much I wake up again at 2am form a deep sleep to a completely different video not knowing who I am.


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